Monday, February 7, 2011

How I track my Personal Finances

Because I work full-time (basically), study (my CA), have a great relationship and try and exercise - the thought of posting is very very far back in my mind. However, thats not to say i'm ignoring my finances. So how do I control my money and make sure that everything is in order?

1. Excel - My finances spreadsheet file tracks every cent I spend/earn and I updated it very very frequently (almost daily). The fact that I update it so frequently is quite daunting as it makes the days go by much more slowly. I wish the pay days would come faster!

2. iPhone App - Luckily, my bank provides an iPhone app which I can log into and access my accounts on the go. This is very handy as I don't have access to the internet at my current workplace (which is ridiculous as I work in the finance industry) but the convenience of the wireless network which I have gained access to has made it much more bearable.

So these are the two methods I use to track my spendings and earnings. It may not seem like much but its because Australia doesn't have access to the wonderful website that is Even so, I would be a bit hesitant to give a company so much access to my financial information - no matter how secure the website is. I prefer my minimalistic way of doing things and hope to keep at this method for the future, unless something blows me away that takes me away from the power-couple that is Excel and the iPhone. We shall see!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging!!! I thought I was just going to put my toe into the blogging world but after a few years, I am swimming in it after all. I will be here to cheer you on and offer lots of support. You can do it!!! =)

    I use excel, and I also use an iPhone app called iReconcile on a daily basis. I update my excel spreadsheet maybe once a week with the transactions I log daily with iReconcile.

    I get paid once a month so I know what you mean about the days going by slowly. The $200 per week challenge I created helps me past the time and stay focused.
